A complete hydrogen generation plant
Standard Features
Interior Lighting
Split Chiller/Condenser
Ventilation Fans
N2 Purge Panel
Interface Panel: H2 Delivery/H2 Vent
Service Access Doors
H2 Generator (EC Series Shown)
Interface Panel: Feedwater/O2 Vent
Hydrogen Generator Power Supply
Power Distribution Panel
Cable Trays
Engineered Deck, Walls, and Ceiling Load Design
to Resist Wind Sheer and Snow Loading -
Exterior Wall Insulation: R-13 Rating
Roof Insulation: R-20 Rating
Floor Insulation: R-19 Rating
Interior Ceiling Height: 8 ft
Interior Deck Loading Design: 250 lb./ft2
Interior Decking: 3/16" Carbon Steel Primed
and Coated with Gray Non-skid Epoxy -
Lifting Lugs
Optional Features
O2 and H2 Combustible Gas Sensors
N2 Fire Suppression System
Air Compressor (EC Model)
H2 Generator Remote Touch Screen Control
H2 Compressor